Replace with Primitives

Replace with Primitives allows you to quickly replace complex geometry with a simple piece of geometry (a Box, Cylinder, or Sphere). You can use the command on multiple bodes or components to substitute a single shape for the original bodies, which are removed. The size of the primitive is initially determined using a bounding shape that surrounds the selected volumes. You can modify the size graphically (using the grips) or numerically (using the size parameters in the dialog).

  1. In the Simplify contextual environment, select Modify > Replace with Primitives replace with primitives icon.

  2. Optionally, change the Object type to Components to make selection easier.

    Note: When the object type is set to Bodies, you cannot select bodies from separate components. With Components selected, all bodies within a selected component are automatically selected. Make sure that the browser setup allows the selection of the desired bodies. The Components option also allows you to activate the Replace all occurrences option.
  3. Select the desired objects to replace with a single simple shape.

  4. Select the Primitive Shape.

    Note: Cylinder requires an axis specification that must be inline with one of the primary axes (X, Y, or Z).
  5. Modify the size using the grip arrows on the shape in the graphics window or by entering dimensions in the dialog.

  6. Select OK.

Tip: You can click one of the grip arrows and then snap it to a surface or vertex. This capability allows for simple precise sizing.