Change the deformation scale in a simulation study

Exagerate the deformation so you can see where it occurs more clearly.

From the ribbon

  1. On the Results tab, in the Deformation panel, select a deformation option. The maximum deformation is shown as a percentage of the model size:

    1. undeformed icon - displays original model shape
    2. actual icon - displays the computed deformation
    3. 05x icon - 2.5%
    4. 1x icon - 5.0%
    5. 2x icon - 10%
    6. 5x icon - 25%

From the Results Details dialog

For solved Static Stress studies, you can use the Deformation Scale drop-down list within the Results Details dialog.

  1. To open the Results details dialog, next to the Load Case selector in the legend, click

    red exclamation icon, yellow exclamation icon, green check icon, or blue double check icon

  2. At the bottom of the Results details dialog, next to Deformation Scale click the drop-down list and select the rquired deformation level.