Fill animation result

The Fill Animation result shows the position of the flow front at regular intervals as the cavity fills.

fill animation thumbnail

Flow pattern

Ideally, injection locations should be placed so that all flow paths within a mold fill at the same time. In addition, where possible, the filling pattern in the cavity should be unidirectional, that is, it should not change direction during the filling phase.

  1. bad flow pattern
  2. good flow pattern

The illustrations above show the contour colors that represent the flow of plastic into the part. Regions that fill in the same time as other regions are represented by same color. In illustration 1. the extremeties of the cavity are not all filled at the same time. Illustration 2. shows how the injection location can be moved to fix this.

Things to look for

The Fill animation result is ideal for checking for a variety of fill patterns that can predict how well a cavity will fill.

Using this result

The fill animation result uses dark blue to represent the first areas to fill, and finishes with red to represent the last areas to fill. If the part is a short shot, the section that did not fill has no color. In a part with a good fill time result the flow pattern is balanced, which means the following:

Next steps

The following methods can be used to improve the fill pattern: