Sketch ellipses

Learn how to use the Ellipse command to create ellipses in an active sketch in Fusion.

  1. On the Sketch contextual tab, select Create > Ellipse ellipse icon.
  2. In the canvas, click to place the center point of the ellipse.
  3. Specify the first axis point:
    • Specify the length of the axis.
    • Press the Tab key to switch from length to angle.
    • Specify the angle of the axis.
    • Press Enter or click to place the first axis point.
  4. Specify a point along the ellipse:
    • Specify the length of the axis, then press Enter.
    • Or click to place a second point along the ellipse.
  5. Optional: Repeat steps 2-4 to create another ellipse.
  6. Press Enter to complete the command.

The ellipses, and any construction geometry, constraints, and dimensions that are added to them, display in the canvas.
