The circle tools in the Sketch > Create panel let you create different types of circles as sketch geometry or construction geometry in an active sketch in Fusion.
You can use the following commands to create circles in an active sketch:
The Center Diameter Circle command creates a circle defined by the center point and diameter.
You click to place the center point, then specify the diameter.
The 2-Point Circle command creates a circle defined by 2 points.
You click to place 2 points that define the diameter of the circle.
The 3-Point Circle command creates a circle defined by 3 points.
You click to place 3 points that lie along the circumference of the circle. The points define the size and position of the circle.
The 2-Tangent Circle command creates a circle tangent to 2 sketch lines.
You select 2 lines, then specify the radius of the circle.
The 3-Tangent Circle command creates a circle tangent to 3 sketch lines.
You select 3 lines that the circle will be tangent to.