Conic curves in sketches

The Conic Curve tool in the Sketch > Create panel lets you create conic curves as sketch geometry or construction geometry in an active sketch in Fusion.

You can use the following command to create conic curves in an active sketch:

Note: Before you can create sketch geometry, you must use the Create Sketch command create sketch icon to create a new sketch or right-click an existing sketch and select Edit Sketch to enter the Sketch contextual environment.

Conic Curve

The Conic Curve command creates a curve driven by endpoints and Rho value.

The endpoints define the position of the curve. The Rho value defines the shape. Depending on the Rho value, the curve can be elliptical, parabolic, or hyperbolic.

You click to place the start point, end point, then the top of the vertex. Use the guidelines to create a tangency constraint, then specify the Rho value to create the desired shape.