Prepare CCTV Inspection Data for Import

Before you import data into Info360 Asset, it is important to ensure that the data meets all the requirements.

CCTV inspection data needs to comply with the data exchange format for the appropriate inspection standard.

Info360 Asset supports the following condition inspection standards:

If your data is not in one of these formats, it cannot be imported into Info360 Asset.

You can contact support to ask about implementation services to convert your data to the required standard.

Pipe inspections

Info360 Asset uses the Upstream and Downstream Manhole IDs to associate inspections to a pipe.

Make sure that the Manhole IDs in the inspection match those in the pipe GIS layer. These are also used to calculate the geometry of CCTV inspections and determine the location of the observations along the pipe.

Manhole inspections

The manhole number in the inspection needs to match the manhole Asset ID in the GIS layer.

Important: For MACP inspections, prior to uploading an inspection make sure you set the Default Import Coordinate System in Admin General Settings to the coordinate system that the MACP data was collected on. This is required so that the manhole coordinates can be converted correctly to the WGS84 coordinate system and the manhole surveys placed in the correct location on the map.

Inspection media

If you are importing any media, the video and photo names need to be referenced in the inspection source data. Make sure the file names referenced are correct.