Change the Status of an Inspection

You can change the status of an inspection to indicate which stage of the review and approval process it is in.

To change the status of a single inspection:

  1. Go to Activities, select the inspection type and find the inspection in the list.
  2. Select the three dots icon to the right of the inspection row.
  3. Choose the status you want to change to.
    Note: The status options available will depend on the current status of the inspection. See the Statuses table below.

To change the status of multiple inspections at the same time:

  1. Go to Activities, select the inspection type, and then filter the Status column or order the Inspection List by status.
  2. Select multiple inspections with the same status. It is not possible to select multiple inspections with different statuses.
    Tip: If you apply a filter on the Status column and then select all inspections on the page, you will be given the option to select all inspections in that status.
  3. Use the Action button to select a new status for the inspections.
    Note: The status options available will depend on the current status of the inspections. See the Statuses table below.


Status Status set by Description Status can be changed to
Missing media System (automatic) Video and photo media upload is not yet complete.
  • Ready: Once media is uploaded, the status changes automatically to Ready.
  • Approved or Rejected: Full-access users can choose to approve or reject an inspection that is missing media. The inspections list will show it is still missing media with a red cross.
Ready System (automatic) The inspection is ready for review and approval.
  • For field inspector users: Submitted
  • For full-access users: Approved or Rejected
Submitted Field inspector The inspection has been submitted for review and approval by the field inspector user who uploaded it.
  • Approved or Rejected
  • In Review: If you need to make edits.
Approved Utility operator The inspection has been reviewed and approved. Upon approval, the inspection is geocoded, scored, and the condition data is used throughout Info360 Asset.
  • In Review: If you need to edit an approved inspection, you can change the status to In Review to make the updates.
Rejected Utility operator The inspection did not meet requirements and/or has errors that must be fixed.
  • Submitted: The field inspector who originally uploaded the inspection or a full-access user can re-submit it.
In Review Utility operator The inspection is being edited.
  • Approved or Rejected
Superseded System (automatic) A reverse inspection that has been merged with another. This inspection is no longer associated with the asset; the new merged inspection is used instead.
  • No status change possible, but the inspection can be deleted.

You can only delete an inspection when it is in Missing Media, Rejected or Superseded status.