Upload Media to Inspections

Once you have uploaded your inspection files, you can then upload the associated media files.

Info360 Asset provides a list of expected photos and videos from the inspection file to help you find the associated media files.

Supported media types:

Upload Media

When uploading 100 or fewer inspections, you will be automatically redirected to the Edit Media page after you upload the inspection files.

If you want to upload the media later, or if you have uploaded over 100 inspections, follow the steps below.

Note: You can upload the associated media for maximum 100 inspections at a time. If you have more than 100 inspections selected, the Edit Media option will not be available.
  1. From the Inspections List tab, find and select the inspections you want to upload media for.
    Tip: You can filter the Status column for 'Missing Media' and you can adjust the rows per page to select up to 100 inspections.
    Important: Do not use the option to "Select all inspections" if it appears above the table, since the Edit Media option is not available when selecting inspections in bulk (even if less than 100).
  2. Select Action Edit Media.
  3. Drag and drop your files into the drop box to begin the upload.
    Tip: You can drag and drop all media files; Info360 Asset will only upload the expected media files for the selected inspections.

Once all expected media have been uploaded, the inspection status will change to Ready.