Clash Detection Analysis Results displays the clashes found by running Clash Detection.
Phase A – The first phase that is part of the clash. The phase that Item A belongs to.
Phase B – The second phase that is part of the clash. The phase that Item B belongs to.
Item A – The first item that is part of the clash.
Item B – The second item that is part of the clash.
Easting – The easting coordinate at the center of the clash.
Northing – The northing coordinate at the center of the clash.
Hor. Separation – The horizontal separation of the items in the clash. This will be negative if the items overlap. This will be empty if the items only clash vertically. Where there is an intersection, the horizontal separation value will be reported as 0.
Vert. Separation – The vertical separation of the items in the clash. This will be negative if the items overlap. This will be empty if the items only clash horizontally.
Go to – Click to view the clash in the plan view.