Dry Well

Total Volume

The Total Volume value shown in the bottom-right corner of the data form shows the volume available in the system up to the Freeboard elevation.


The Dimensions tab has the following fields:

Note: You can configure the dimensions of the Dry Well to act as a normal Dry Well or a Deep Bore Dry Well.

The depth within the stormwater control is determined from two of the following three parameters, with the third automatically calculated based on the option selected:

Freeboard - Controls how close to the specified Exceedance Elevation the water must reach before the Status (on the Summary) shows Flood Risk.

Dry Well shape - Rectangular / Square / Circular.

Width (Rectangular and Square shapes) - Width of Dry Well.

Diameter (Circular shape) - Diameter of Dry Well.

Length (Rectangular shape) - Diameter of Dry Well.

Note: Small values for Width, Diameter, or Length will result in a narrow chamber which can result in instabilities due to rapid changes in water level.

Porosity - The percentage of the storage volume that is available for storage. This is dictated by the type of fill material that is used. I.e. Typically 30% for rubble.

Number Of Dry Wells - The number of Dry Wells required.

Ineffective Storage Depth - The depth below the Exceedance Elevation that is unavailable for the storage of water.

Base Infiltration Rate - Defines the rate of infiltration through the base of the filter area. This should be determined from a performance site test.

Side Infiltration Rate - Defines the rate of infiltration through the sides of the filter area. This should be determined from a performance site test.

Safety Factor - Reduces the infiltration rate during the analysis to account for silting up or poor maintenance. This is required for the UK.

Note: This option may not be available for your region. For more information, refer to the Regionalization topic.

Sizing Calculator:

The Sizing Calculator option allows the user to re-size the Dry Well by specifying a volume and a parameter to modify to achieve that volume.  The Sizing Calculator is discussed in more detail in the Stormwater Control Sizing Calculator section.


Explore the Inlets page for more details on the different types of Inlets that can be specified.


Explore the Outlets page for more details on the different types of Outlets that can be specified.


The Pollution tab has the following fields:

Name - Name of pollutants. This is populated based on the Pollutants set up as part of the Site Data.

Background Concentration - Value below which the pollution concentration cannot fall during analysis. When concentration reaches this elevation, no further removal occurs.

Method -  Percentage Removal or  First Order Decay method can be chosen. Click on the links for more information about each method.

Percentage Removal - Available if Percentage Removal entered. The value entered will be deducted from the Inflow into the system. 

τ - The decay time constant or (mean) lifetime of the pollutant. It can be entered manually or calculated from the decay constant or decay half-life. See Pollutant Removal Method - First Order Decay for more details.