The rainfall viewer allows individual storms of rainfall sets to be viewed and exported.
Select Rainfall : Select a rainfall set from the Rainfall Manager .
Select Storm: Select the individual storm from the rainfall set to be displayed. After selecting a storm, a table and graph will appear, displaying the depth/intensity of the storm over time.
Details: Displays details of the selected rainfall set. The rainfall type is always displayed. The remaining information displayed is dependant on the rainfall type.
Select Temporal Pattern: Select different temporal pattern available for this storm. Only available with ARR19 rainfall.
Time Step: The amount of time between each data point.
Show as: Toggle the table and graph between displaying Rainfall Depth and Rainfall Intensity.
Total Depth: The total depth of rainfall produced by the storm.
Rainfall Average: The average intensity over the entire duration of the storm.
Peak Intensity: The maximum intensity reached by the storm.