Dataset Manager

The Dataset Manager allows you to create, edit, clone, copy, and delete datasets in a single location.

To do any operations about datasets, go to the Model Explorer, click Command Center tab on the bottom, navigate to the Scenario group, and click Dataset Manager.

Data Set Icons

Note: When cloning the current dataset, please use the ACTIVE dataset in order to include any changes made during the current working session. Cloning another dataset, even if it is the one associated with the currently active scenario, may not store the latest changes made to the dataset. The ACTIVE dataset stores all changes made to the current dataset being used, and is only committed to the actual dataset name after the project has been saved or the scenario has been changed to one with a different dataset. Alternately, creating a new dataset will produce an empty table that would need to be populated from scratch.

Data Set ID and Description

The ID and Description are displays the ID and Description of the currently defined data sets. The currently active data set folders will be indicated by a red check mark before the folder ID.

Data Sets