Import and Export Manager

InfoWater Pro Export Manager allows you to quickly export the hydraulic model data to an external file in the shape file format, text file format, or .MIF/.MID file format.

InfoWater Pro Import Manger allows you to quickly bring in the external data in the shape file format, text file format, or .MIF/.MID file format.

Export Manager

To open the Export Manager, go to the Model Explorer, click the Command Center tab on the bottom, navigate to the Exchange group, and double-click Export Manager.

Export Element Type: Select the type of element for which an export file is to be created (junction, pipe, valve,reservoir, tank, pump).

Element Scope: The element scope is used to create the elements made available for an export. The 3 element scope options are as follows:

Export Options: The options you to specify the type of export file to be created and its destination.

Target File: Choose the location on your network or your hard drive to save the exported file. Click Browse  to bring up the Navigation dialog box. Click Save to save the target file and return to the Export Manager dialog box.

Cancel: Choose Cancel to delete all changes and Exit out of the Export. 

Import Manager

To open the Import Manager, go to the Model Explorer, click Command Center tab on the bottom, navigate to the Exchange group, and double-click Import Manager.

Import Element Type: Select the type of element being imported (junction, pipe, valve,reservoir, tank, pump). Note that in InfoWater Pro junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps and valves are modeled as Nodes. This may conflict with other data file formats where tanks, reservoirs pumps and valves are modeled as link elements.

Graphics Options: Disable Auto Length Calculation

Import Options: Use the Import Options to specify the type, source and options for the data import into InfoWater Pro.

Additional Import Options: Data may be imported into a new project or combined with an existing project. Choose from the following options based on the type of import:

Note: You may choose to check both options in order to simultaneously update existing and create new records in your project.

Cancel: Choose Cancel to cancel all settings and Exit out of the Import Manager.