The Simulation Report allows you to create a simulation run text report that you can customize according to your specific purposes.
A simulation report can be created as part of a scenario or simulation run, and may be different from the native analysis model report. It contains the results from the simulation run itself. The model specific data for the simulation run consists of items including error messages, pump status, trial runs, element actions at time steps, connectivity problems, etc.
To create, modify, or delete a Simulation Report option, you can open up the Simulation Report dialog box from the Operation tab of the Model Explorer or from the Report Options' Browse button in the Run Manager.
The Simulation Report toolbar allows you to delete, modify, save, create a new report, etc.
ID and Description
This section of the Simulation Report displays the IDs and Descriptions of all the created Reports.
Title - The title header to be shown at the top of each page in the output report.
Report File - The name and network location of the output report.
Page Size - Sets the number of lines written per page of the output report. The default is 0, meaning that no line limit per page is in effect.
Statistic - This report may also be used to display statistical variation. Choose the option from among the below:
Hydraulic Status - Determines whether a hydraulic status report should be generated. If YES is selected, the report will identify all network components that change status during each time step of the simulation and report the simulation time, the number of trials as well as the total demand, the total supply and the total stored. If FULL is selected, then the status report will also include information from each trial of each hydraulic analysis. This level of detail is only useful for de-bugging networks that become hydraulically unbalanced. If STATUS ONLY is selected, only the component status change is reported. The default is NO where no hydraulic information is reported.
Node Reporting - Identifies which nodes will be reported on. Select to have ALL, NONE or a CUSTOM output. The CUSTOM option allows you to specify a set of conditions for the node output. If CUSTOM is selected, a custom condition must be created with the Customization tab. The default is NONE.
Link Reporting - Identifies which links will be reported on. Select to have ALL, NONE or a CUSTOM output. The CUSTOM option allows you to specify a set of conditions for the link output. If CUSTOM is selected, a custom condition must be created with the Customization tab. The default is NONE.
Model Diagnostics - Provides additional simulation information for diagnosing hydraulic issues. When active, a hydraulic simulation health report is displayed at the top of the engine report and the Hydraulic Diagnostics tool is populated in the Message Board window highlighting hydraulic elements with a high number of status changes during the run.
If Auto is selected, the Diagnostics report will be generated as follows:
Generate Network Summary Table - Determines whether a summary table of number of network components and key analysis options are generated.
Generate Warning Messages - Generate a detailed report of warning conditions which alerts you to various situations. This may include a pump that cannot deliver head or flow, a FCV valve that cannot maintain the specified flow setting, etc. A yellow light will be displayed on the Run Manager (traffic signal) when a model run contains warning messages.
The Customization tab allows you to specify a set of conditions (criteria) that are desired for the simulation report.
Once all options are specified for a simulation report, click OK to close the dialog box. The new report can now be tied to a specific scenario through the Scenario Manager.
Use the element reporting scope to limit the elements in the report.
As shown in the above figure, report customization supports selective system elements for the text output report. The selection scope includes the following items:
Selected Criteria
Displays the Selected Criteria for your Reports. Choose the options below, and click Add to add new criteria. Use the other buttons such as Delete, Replace, and Clear to operate on this section and to delete, update and remove all the selected criteria.
Node ID - Prepare a custom report for the node specified. Use the
ID box to specify a node ID, or use the
Browse button to locate the node in the map view.
Link ID - Prepare a custom report for the link specified. Use the
ID box to specify the link ID, or use the
Browse button to locate the link in the map view.
Parameter Above/Below - A condition for which the specified parameter is satisfied to be included in the output report. Use the
Setting box to indicate the parameter value.
Parameter No/Yes - Include or do not include the selected parameter. For example, Velocity Yes, Flow No.
Precision - The decimal precision for the selected parameter. Use the
Setting Box to set the precision.
Parameter - Use to specify a parameter box to specify the parameter to use for the custom report. Select the desired parameter from the drop-down box.