Each style requires an ACItem file that stores additional information about each style item such as name, style type, author, country, etc. Accompanied by each ACItem file, a corresponding image file is required, which creates the thumbnail view for the style item in the Style Palette.
For example, if you are creating a style item that belongs within the Street style catalog, the subfolder must match the name of that style catalog exactly.
Here is an example how a final content library structure could look like, for a content package having 1 street style and 1 3D model style:
Here is a simple example of how an ACItem file should look:
language = xml
"GlobalName": "Chinese Teahouse",
"LocalName": "Chinese Teahouse [localizable]",
"LocalDescription": "A Chinese Teahouse is a traditionally a place where people chat, socialize, and enjoy tea. [localizable]",
"Uri": "/Styles/3D Model/CHN/Teahouse/Teahouse.ACItem",
"GalleryImage": "/Styles/3D Model/CHN/Teahouse/Teahouse.png",
"ContentType": "Style",
"ContentDomain": "3D Model",
"CompatibleStandards": [ "Undefined" ],
"Keywords": [ "Teahouse", "CHN", "Building", "Traditional", "Autodesk" ],
"AciSchemaVersion": "1.0",
"References": [
"Uri": "/Resources/CHN/Teahouse/Teahouse.fbx"
"EmbeddedData": {
"styleType": "3D Model",
"uri": "CHN/Teahouse/Teahouse.fbx",
"anchorType": "LocalOrigin",
"transform": {
"translation": [ 0, 0, 0 ],
"scaling": [ 1, 1, 1 ],
"rotation": [ 0, 0, 0 ]
"flags": {
"flipYZAxis": false,
"invertAxisSign": false,
"invertFaceOrientation": false,
"invertTransparency": false,
"simplificationPercentage": 100,
"enableTextureCompression": false,
"enableOverrideColor": false,
"overrideColor": "xFFFFFFFF"
"renderFlags": {
"modelHandling": 2,
"lodDistance": 150,
"lodLevelCount": 4,
"customLodModels": []