To install the Autodesk Material Library

By default, the Autodesk Material Library is not installed when you install Autodesk InfraWorks. This can occasionally cause issues with the display of textures and materials for 3D objects that you import to or export from Autodesk InfraWorks.

Why do I need the Autodesk Material Library?

Without the required material libraries installed, 3D objects that were created in other Autodesk products such as Autodesk Revit or Autodesk Civil 3D may display inaccurately in your InfraWorks models.

What is the Autodesk Material Library?

The Autodesk Material Library consists of several shared sub-libraries of materials and textures that are installed with some Autodesk products such as Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit and 3ds Max. For those products, the Autodesk Material Library is installed by default using the product installer; it can be removed using the Windows Control Panel.

To install the Autodesk Material Library for InfraWorks

There are several ways that you can install the Autodesk Material Library.

Install the Autodesk Material Library using another Autodesk Product

Installing another Autodesk product that does have the Autodesk Material Library, such as Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Revit and 3ds Max, will add the default Autodesk Material Library to your local system so that it can be used by Autodesk InfraWorks.

Reinstall the Autodesk Material Library using a product installer

If you previously installed the default material library on your local system but it was removed, you can reinstall it with the following steps:

  1. Place the install media for the product in your disc drive or locate the download of the product if you purchased it electronically.
  2. In Windows Explorer or File Explorer, browse to the product installer, and open the following folders: ..\Content\ADSKMaterials<release>\CM ..\Content\ADSKMaterials<release>\ILB
  3. Run the Microsoft Installer (MSI) files located in the two folders and accept the default values.

Alternately, you can download and install the Autodesk Material Library version(s) you need using the links in Step 1 (below).

  1. Download the entire Material Library or the individual sub-libraries that you require to your local system.
  1. Unzip the folder(s).

  2. Double-click the .MSI file for each sub-library to install each sub-library individually.

Please note that we recommend installing all sub-libraries for each year version that is required.

What version(s) of the Autodesk Material Library do I need?

The Autodesk Material Library version must always match the year version of the Autodesk product(s) you are using.

For matching year-to-year versions of Autodesk products, only one material library is needed. For example:

If you are using multiple Autodesk products with different yearly versions, multiple material libraries must be installed. For example: