Use the Themes palettes to analyze feature properties, point clouds, and terrain.
View Controls — Display all themes, a specific theme, or the active theme.
Tool Strip — These options affect individual themes.
Add New Theme
Creates a theme based on the feature class and property you specify. See
Edit Selected Theme
Opens the Theme Properties dialog box, where you can change the parameters for the selected theme.
Duplicate Selected Theme
Adds a copy of the selected theme to the theme list. The copy is inactive but selected. To rename it, select through the default name and type a different one.
Delete Selected Themes
Removes all selected themes from the list. To replace them, create new ones.
Refresh Selected Themes
Redisplays the current parameters for any selected theme, and redisplays the model with those parameters.
Move Selected Theme Up/Down
The position of the theme in the list determines its priority. If two themes affect the same feature class, the top one is interpreted first.
Theme Area — Each theme displays a row for each rule, and the color assigned to that rule. The values associated with each rule appear to the right of the color bar. For example, if the first rule defines roads with a single forward lane, its value is 1-2, because it applies to roads that have at least one lane but not more than two. Double-click a color bar to change its color.
Cross-Theme Tools — These tools affect all themes in the list.
Expand All/Collapse All
Reduces all themes to their titles only, or expands them to show their rules.
Import Theme
Imports previously exported themes stored in XML files.
Export Themes
Saves all themes in the list to an XML file.
Update All
Redisplays the current parameters for all themes in the list, and redisplays the model with those parameters.