To add a title to a storyboard

Add title keyframes to storyboards to introduce the entire story or individual chapters, and feature credits or acknowledgments. Titles can include text and images.

  1. Open the model.

  2. Click Present/Share glyph Present glyph Storyboard (Storyboard Creator).

  3. In Storyboard Creator, click Add New Title.

  4. Enter a title name, indicate its starting point and duration.

  5. Specify whether you want the title to fade in or out over time, or cut in or out.

    If you select Fade, specify how long the transition will last.

  6. On the Text tab, enter your title text and specify any of the following:

    • Transparency of the title overlaying the scene

    • Font

    • Font size

    • Style

    • Alignment

    • Outline width and color

    • Text format

      Select Text Only to format the contents with standard text formatting options (text font, size, emphasis, color, alignment, and outline effect).

      Select HTML to use HTML tags to format the text. When you use HTML tags, you can include hyperlinks and images, as well as HTML text formatting.

  7. On the Container tab, specify the following:

    • Location of the title container (a red box around the title text).

      Specify the anchor point for the title (Top Center, Bottom Right, and so on).

    • Transparency of the Title

      By default, the text is opaque.

    • Container size

      Resize the title by specifying a percentage of the frame for it to cover with the Size X and Size Y settings.

      The maximum height of the title is one-half of the frame. The size is relative to the size of the window in which the storyboard is displayed.

    • Container offset

      Fine-tune the title position using the OffsetX and OffsetY settings.

  8. To play the title, click its play button.