To work with railway units by combining railway tracks

Combine multiple railway tracks into a single unit to share support structures and tunnels.

If you have several railway tracks that need to share a single bridge or tunnel, you can combine them and work with them as a single unit instead of separately. Specify one of the railway tracks as the leader for editing purposes. To add railway tracks, see To add or modify railways.

Description Visual
A railway unit with two railway tracks sharing a tunnel. Railway unit
A railway unit with three railway tracks sharing a bridge structure Railway unit

To combine multiple railway tracks into a railway unit

  1. Select the railways tracks to combine.

    Railway tracks must be within 25 meters of each other (from track midpoint), share the same direction, and must not overlap significantly.

  2. Right-click and click Combine Features.

    Note: Combine Features is not available if the selected features are not all railway tracks.

To separate a set of combined railway tracks

  1. Select the unit of combined features.
  2. Right-click and click Separate Features.

To change the leader of a railway unit

By default, the center track of the newly combined railway unit will be the leader feature. As you edit this feature, the others in the unit will follow. You can change the feature that serves as the leader for ease of editing.

  1. Right-click the desired leader feature and click Make Leader.

To add a vertex to a railway unit

Add vertices as needed for greater editing control of the combined features.

  1. Press ESC or click off the combined railways to clear selection.
  2. Click to select the railway unit.
  3. Right-click the point for the new vertex and click Add Vertex. To remove a vertex, right-click the vertex and click Remove Vertex.

To split a railway unit

Split a railway unit to create one or more zones and apply different styles to each zone.

  1. Right-click the point for the split and click Split Feature.

    Add different styles to the zones on either side of the split as you would to a single feature. See To apply styles to individual features.

    We split this railway unit at three points to apply different styles. We now have three railway units. From left to right, two railways share a bridge, enter a shared tunnel, and then exit to continue their path on the surface.

    split railways