To create a storyboard

Create a new storyboard, give it a name, and specify a duration. Optionally, add titles, captions, camera paths, or animations. Any points of interest or watermarks and you defined in your model will be included in the storyboard unless you hide them.

  1. Open the model.

  2. Click Present/Share glyph Present glyph Storyboard Creator (Storyboard Creator).

  3. Click Storyboard Creator Add New Storyboard.

    Add New Storyboard

    • Storyboard Name panel suggests a new storyboard name. Accept or supply a name of your choice.
    • Storyboard Name side panel lists all storyboards created from this model.
  4. Specify a duration for the storyboard in the Duration field.

    By default, duration is set at zero and increases as you add items. If you make the duration longer than the sum of the storyboard contents, blank space will appear at the end of the storyboard.

  5. Add any of the following; see help topics for each:

    Note: To delete an item from within storyboard, select the item in the storyboard and press Delete.