Add cross sections to a bridge deck at any point along its alignment.
Video: Add and Modify Bridge Deck and Girder Cross Sections
Attributes for the bridge will display in the Stack.
**Tip:** As a best practice, tilt your view until you can see the bridge's girders, then single-click a girder. This will select the bridge.
![Bridge Deck Cross Sections](../../images/ill_bridge_deck_sections.png)
Attributes for the deck display in the Stack.
Tip: [Display or hide bridge components](../To-display-or-hide-bridge.html) to see a better view of the bridge deck.
![Select deck slice](../../images/ill_select_bridge_deck_slice.png)
![Add New Deck Slice](../../images/ill_place_deck_slice.png)
Adding a cross section will interpolate the dimensions of the deck geometry at the location it is placed.