About Managing Rainfall Content

You can assign model-specific rainfall content data for more accurate drainage design. You can use customizable, sample data formulas, or import data to create a rainfall IDF curve. Analysis tools then use the curve you specify to generate more accurate results for specific situations.

See To manage rainfall content for step-wise instructions.

The three sample formulas provided are:

You can modify these formulas, rename them as needed, as well as import rainfall data and create your own rainfall curve.

You can import rainfall data in the these formats:

You can export rainfall data to Microsoft Excel, edit it and use it in a different model

Rainfall Content and IDF Rainfall Panels

The rainfall content manager opens initially as a tab, along with the Model Explorer. You can move it to display the panel in its own window.

The panel also shows these data in tabular form. The fields change to reflect the sample formula you are working with. You can work with the tabular data to specify the most accurate curve for your design.

IDF Rainfall