To inspect superelevated roads, bridge decks, intersections, and turn zones

Use the Station Tracker and Cross Section Viewer to inspect superelevation through critical stations or for any other cross-section of the roadway. You can also modify maximum superelevation rate and runoff parameters for the entire component road in the Stack.

  1. Select a component road.

  2. Apply superelevation to the component road. Superelevation critical stations are marked with blue slices across your component roadways.

    Superelevated Critical Stations

    The yellow-to-red superelevation track alongside the component road represents runoff, runout, and superelevated regions. Hide your ground imagery to improve visibility of the runoff, runout, and superelevation.

    Superelevated Regions

    • Yellow segments represent Runout.
    • Amber segments represent Runoff.
    • Segments with full superelevation will not have a color associated with it.
  3. Single-click a critical station. The Station Tracker appears on the roadway as an orange slice to mark the location you selected.

    Station Tracker

    Note: Click-and-drag the Station Tracker along the roadway to inspect superelevation for a different cross-section.
  4. The Cross-Section Viewer displays when you select a location on the road with the Station Tracker. Use the cross-section viewer to inspect superelevation for the roadway cross-section where your Station Tracker is positioned. You can also display the Cross-Section Viewer with the right-click context menu.

    Superelevated Cross Sections

Note: You can review superelevation for any cross-section of the selected component road, including road critical stations, bridge decks, intersection areas, and turn lane sections. You can also add pavement drainage along roads with complex cross sections such as multiple gutters or superelevated regions.
  1. Click Cross Section View Selector in the Cross-Section viewer to switch between Superelevation, Road Assembly, and Cut/Fill views of the roadway cross-section. See About the Cross-Section Viewer for more info.