Using View Sets

Use View sets to exports the cameras you want from Revit to Live. The exported views are converted to Points-of-Views in Live.

When sending a project from Revit to the Live service, you have the option to send only the current 3D view, all perspective views, or views from a set. Using View Sets allows you to select only the specific cameras you want, to create points-of-view in Live.

Note: View Sets are not available in Revit LT.

To create/edit a View set:

  1. In Revit's Collaborate tab, select Publish Settings.
  2. Create a set containing only the 3D views you want to export to the Live scene.
    Note: Non-3D views will be ignored and not exported to Live.
  3. Click Save & Close.
  4. Click Go Live.
  5. In the Options section, select your View set from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Go!

The 3D views are converted into Points-of-Views in Live. You can use them to navigate through the scene using the View side bar, the top arrows, or the pin markers.