Snap Keys options

Note: This section is about the Snap Keys options in the Graph Editor and Dope Sheet Edit menus. For information about the Snap Keys Options in the Key menus, see Snap Key Options.
Time range

Specifies the time range of the keyset’s animation curves.


Specifies no limit on the time range.


Specifies a time range from Start Time to End Time.

Time Slider

Specifies a time range defined by the Playback Start and End times of the Time Slider.

Start time

Specifies the start of the time range (available if Start/End is on).

End time

Specifies the end of the time range (available if Start/End is on).


Select one of the following options:


Snaps keys along the time axis only. This is the default setting.


Snaps keys along the value axis only.


Snaps keys along both the time and value axes.

Snap times to a multiple of

This value defines multiples of the time unit to snap to.

Snap values to a multiple of

This value defines multiples of whole number attribute values to snap to.