Smooth filter (Gaussian) options

Smooth (Gaussian) filter applied to one channel

The Smooth filter (Gaussian) is similar to the MotionBuilder Smooth Filter in that it averages keyframes to create smooth movement. The Smooth filter (Gaussian) works best when filtering cubic (auto) or resampled curves.

Note: This filter does not work on Set Driven Keys or other non-time based curves.
Time Range

Specifies the time range where the curve is simplified.

Simplifies the curve for the entire time range.
Lets you select a portion of a curve, so you can apply the filter to a limited area, rather than affecting the entire curve. Hold Ctrl to select multiple areas at once.
All keys within the specified time range (start time/end time) are simplified.
Time Slider
Simplifies the curve for the time range defined by the Playback Start and End times of the Time Slider.
Start Time

Specifies the start of the time range. This is available only if Start/End is on.

End Time

Specifies the end of the time range. This is available only if Start/End is on.

Lets you visualize the effect on your curve before you apply it. This option is on by default.
Filter Width
Lets you set the smoothing window width. The default value is 3. Greater values strengthen smoothing, while lesser values decrease smoothing.
Sample Count
Lets you set the number of samples that are taken on the curve. The default value is 8.
Use Quaternions
Converts rotation curves to quaternions before smoothing. Quaternions are converted back to Euler curves after smoothing. To apply Use Quaternions, select all 3 rotation channels.
This option is off by default.