Center the pivot point

To reset the selected object's pivot to center

  1. Select a transform tool.
  2. Select Modify > Center Pivot.

    The pivot moves to the center of the object's bounding box.

    Tip: There is no hotkey for centering the pivot. However, you can add a Center Pivot option to the shelf by doing the following:
    While holding Shift + Ctrl, open the Modify menu, locate Center Pivot and release the mouse over the Center Pivot option. A CP icon appears at far right of the currently active shelf.

    The CP icon added to the Poly shelf

To reset the selected shape's pivot to center

    Note: Center Pivot also works with shapes, like a child in a hierarchy of objects.
  1. Select a transform tool.
  2. Select an object.
  3. Press the down arrow on the keyboard to select the object's shape.
  4. Select Modify > Center Pivot.

    The pivot moves to the center of the shape's bounding box.

To center the pivot on a component selection

  1. (Optional) Select a transform tool.
  2. Make a component selection.
  3. Select Modify > Center Pivot.
  4. The pivot centers on the bounding box of the component selection.
  5. Switch to object selection mode.

    The pivot stays centered on the selection's bounding box, letting you transform the object using the repositioned pivot.

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