Rigid bind skin

You can set the bind skin options before you bind skin, or immediately bind skin with the current options. After you bind skin, you can check the binding and adjust the skin’s behavior.

Rigid skinning provides enables joints to influence sets of deformable object points, for example each vertex of the character's mesh is assigned to a single joint in the skeleton, which makes the associated vertices move as a single unit without any deformation. Rigid binding skin is considered a legacy method of skin binding. See Rigid skinning.

Important: Rigid Bind menu options have been removed from Maya to streamline other workflows. Rigid Bind functionality is still present using the scripting commands provided in the Rigid skinning topic. You can also obtain a Rigid bind using smooth skin with 1 influence per vertex.

To bind skin

  1. Select one or more deformable objects, followed by a skeleton’s root joint or a limb’s parent joint.
  2. In the command line, at the bottom of the Maya main window, enter RigidBindSkin.

To set bind options and bind skin

  1. If you also want to bind skin now, select the skeleton (or joints) and then the deformable object(s) you want to bind.
  2. In the command line, at the bottom of the Maya main window, enter RigidBindSkinOptions to open the RigidBindSkin Options window.
  3. Do the following:
    • Click Bind Skin if you want to bind skin now.
    • Click Save to save the options.
    • Click Reset to reset to the default options.
    • Click Close to close the Rigid Bind Skin Options window.