Symbol | Meaning |
'+' (plus) | Union: performs a boolean union operation on componentTags. |
'-' (minus) | Subtract: performs a boolean difference operation on componentTags. |
'^' (circumflex) | Intersection: performs a boolean exclusion. For example, *^tagGroup includes only items in componentTag "tagGroup". |
':' (colon) | Dot operator: lets you work with namespace sets, for example,
shirt:sleeve works.
Note: You cannot have colons at the start or end of a name, nor can you use multiple instances, for example
'.' (period) | Dot operator: lets you work with namespace sets, for example,
shirt.sleeve works.
Note: You cannot have periods at the start or end of a name, nor can you use multiple instances, for example
'(' ')' (parentheses) | Operator: lets you specify the priority of items contained within the namespace set, for example clothes - (jacket + vest). |
'!' (exclamation mark) | Invert: use the inverse of the componentTags. For example, !tagGroup is equivalent to *-tagGroup |
You can use more than one ':' or '.' symbol in a name, but not in sequence, for example, you can have clothes.shirt.sleeve, but a repeated symbol, like shirt..sleeve does not work. |
Symbol | Meaning |
* (asterisk) | Matches against any number of characters. |
ap* (first letters of name, followed by an asterisk) | Limits the wildcard to specific characters of partial names
For example, you could use ap* to match both "apples" and "apricots" and would basically result in "apples + apricots". |
Symbol | Meaning |
v() | Casts the member components to vertices. |
e() | Casts the member components to edges. |
f(f) | Casts the member components to faces. |
For example:
polyCylinder -sx 20 -sy 4 -sz 4; geometryAttrInfo -cmp -cex "bottom+cylSides" pCylinder1.outMesh; // Result: vtx[0:159] vtx[220] //
Symbol | Meaning |
':' (colon) | Lets you work with namespace sets, for example,
shirt:sleeve works.
Note: You cannot have colons at the start or end of a name, nor can you use multiple instances in sequence, for example
'.' (period) | Lets you work with namespace sets, for example,
shirt.sleeve works.
You cannot have periods at the start or end of a name, nor can you use multiple instances, for example shirt..sleeve . |
You can use more than one ':' or '.' in a name, but you can't use them in sequence. For example, you can have clothes.shirt.sleeve, but not shirt..sleeve. |