Creating jiggle deformation

You can set creation options and then create a deformer, or you can create a deformer with the current creation options and edit the options later. See Create jiggle deformers.

Adjusting jiggle weight by painting

After you create a jiggle deformer for an object or specific points, you can tune the jiggle of individual points by painting their jiggle weight values. Typically you'll get best results if you use higher jiggle weight values at the central area of jiggle region and lower values at the edge of the jiggle region. Fading the values from center to edge often works well. See To paint jiggle weights.

Painting weights on masked jiggle deformers

When you paint weights over selected vertices, your strokes are applied only to the weights corresponding with the selected vertices. In effect, the unselected vertices act as a mask, where only selected vertices are affected by any painting or flooding you do.

Before creating the mask you must first create the jiggle deformer. For details on masking surfaces, see Restrict an area for painting.

Flooding jiggle deformers

Flooding a jiggle deformer is like taking a huge brush and applying its settings to the entire cluster. When you flood a deformer, the weight of each vertex in the deformer changes according to the value and operation set for the tool.

To flood a cluster, follow the steps under To paint jiggle weights, but instead of painting in step 7, click the Flood button or use the hotkey Alt + F (Windows) or Option + F (Mac OS X).

To smooth the transition between jiggle weights, select the Smooth paint operation and flood the jiggle deformer.

Mapping weight values to jiggle deformers

Using the Paint Cluster Weights Tool you can map attribute values onto surface vertices relative to the UVs. The settings for the tool are applied to the cluster vertices using the mapped values.

For details on mapping, see Map attributes.

Paint Jiggle Weights Tool settings

To modify Paint Jiggle Weights Tool settings, select the Paint Jiggle Weights Tool and open the Tool Settings editor (Deformers > (Paint Weights) Jiggle > ).