To open the Performance Settings
This panel lets you select trade-offs between performance and quality, as well as temporarily disable some visual updates to improve interactivity.
To set when to refresh (or redraw the screen) when manipulating objects, in the Dependency Graph Evaluation section, select one of the following:
Refreshes the display during the drag.
Refreshes the display only when you release the mouse button and click the Update button that appears in the bottom right of the display window.
Refreshes the display only when you release the mouse button.
Use these options to control whether certain tools or operations show their results in the Viewport while you interact with them. While interacting with a surface, choose one of the following options in the Surfaces section, beside the surface:
Performs complex operations during mouse interactions. For example, if you were dragging a curve used as a projection to trim a surface, the effects of the trim (the resulting hole in the surface) are visible. When you release the mouse button, the effect remains visible.
Completely disables complex operations during mouse interaction. For example, while dragging the trim curve, the effects of the trim are never shown in the Viewport, regardless of whether you’re interacting (dragging the trim curve), or doing nothing and Maya is idle.
Suspends complex operations when Maya is idle; that is, when you are not interacting with gemometry. For example, the display does not update while you are dragging the trim curve, but instead waits to update until you release the mouse button.
To control complex operations on deformers during mouse interaction, in the Deformers section, select one of the following beside the surface:
Performs complex operations during mouse interactions.
Completely disables complex operations during mouse interaction.
Suspends complex operations during mouse interaction.
For Cluster Resolution and Lattice Resolution only, improves redraw performance for individual cluster or lattice deformations by setting the Use Partial Resolution attribute to partial and setting the Percent Resolution on a per node basis.
For Cluster Resolution and Lattice Resolution only, improves the redraw performance of all cluster or lattice deformations. (You do not need to set the Percent Resolution for each cluster or lattice.)
Set Global Cluster Resolution and Global Lattice Resolution to Full, High, Medium, or Low. A Low setting corresponds to a low percentage, and therefore more improved performance.