Proximity Wrap Drivers window

The Proximity Wrap Drivers window opens when you click Manage Drivers and choose Edit New Driver Defaults in the Attribute Editor Proximity Wrap tab.

Note: The location of the Proximity Wrap driver will influence the deformation of the inputGeometry of the proximityWrap. If you want to include transform information in the deformation, turn of the Use Transformation as Deformation option. See Global Scaling with Proximity Wrap deformers for an example.
Settings area
Use the Settings area to change the default settings for the transformation.
Wrap Mode
Select a method for the drivers to influence the geometry. Individual drivers use this mode when they are set to Global.
Mode Behavior
Surface Moves everything while considering surface normals. Use this mode when Offset mode fails. This mode requires more time to process as it must calculate surface normals. This setting is the default.
Offset Applies the number of vertices moved by the driver to the target vertices, according to the weighted influences. It ignores surface orientation so it may create artifacts when severe rotations are involved. But when that is not the case, Offset is an efficient way to apply driver deformations to the target.
Snap Snaps the geometry to the driver and therefore behaves like some aspects of the ShrinkWrap deformer. It is also useful for debugging as it clearly depicts which parts of a driver are bound by the target.
Rigid Uses driver geometry to calculate influences, and only uses the transformation of the driver to deform the target. In this way, it behaves similar to a skinCluster deformer.
Note: The Cluster wrap option is available only in the Attribute Editor version of these options. To use Cluster, click the Attribute Editor ProxWrap tab and use the Wrap Mode menu there.
Uses the driver Matrix inputs to transform vertices.
Transform as Deformation
Note: Transform as Deformation appears only in the
Turn on this option if you want the driver to take the implied Transformation from other deformers into account. If you deactivate Use Transform as Deformation, it will not take transformation from deformers.
Note: To use the implied transformation of other deformers, you can also connect the deformer World Matrix attribute to the Proximity Wrap Driver Cluster Matrix attribute in the Node Editor.
Adjusts the relative influence of the driver. It is a multiplier used to increase or reduce the influence of one driver relative to others that affect the same vertices.
Falloff Start
The distance from the driver at which the influence begins to decline.
Falloff End
The distance from the driver at which the influence completely subsides.
Smooth Normals
Only active when Surface wrap mode is used.
Instead of using direct surface normal, this setting runs a filter beforehand that smooths abrupt changes. Use this setting to generate softer-looking results.
Override Smooth Normals
Activate this option if you want the driver to override the Smooth Normals value.
Override Falloff Ramp
Activate for the driver to override the falloff ramp value.