Mirror target shapes

You can mirror a target shape on the base object using the Shape Editor. Mirroring makes the target shape appear in symmetry on the base object according to the axis that you choose. If the target shape has in-between shapes, they're also mirrored.

No additional target shape is created when mirroring - that is, you're mirroring the actual target shape on the object, but not creating a mirror version of it. If you want to do that, first duplicate the target shape (see Duplicate target shapes), and then mirror it.

If symmetry in Maya Creative is not already on, it is activated for the mirror operation, but then turned off when you're done. If symmetry is on, its settings are ignored during the mirror operation, and restored after mirroring is finished.

To mirror a target shape

  1. In the Shape Editor, select one or more target shapes, or a group of target shapes.
  2. Choose Shapes > Mirror Target > , or right-click one of the selected target shapes and choose Mirror Target.

    For a group of target shapes, right-click the group name and choose Mirror Group Members.

  3. In the Mirror Target Options, select the direction and symmetry axis to be used for mirror (the object's -X axis is used by default).

    A symmetrical copy of the target shape appears on the base object according to the current options.

Mirror Target Options

Select the direction and symmetry axis to be used for mirroring the target shape.

Mirror Direction

The axis direction in which you want to mirror the target shape: + or - (the default).

Symmetry Axis

  • Object X/Y/Z: Uses the object's X, Y, or Z axis as defined by its pivot point for mirroring. Object X is the default.
  • Topology: Uses the object's actual topology to define the axis for mirroring. For more accurate results, especially with high-resolution meshes, use this method instead of Object X/Y/Z.

    If there is no symmetry seam already defined for the object, you are prompted to select an edge (Edge mode is enabled) as the mirror axis.

  • Store topological symmetry seam edges: Available only if you select Topology. This option stores the last-defined edge as the symmetry seam used for this blend shape deformer, and is shared with the Flip Target command. If you mirror a target shape that belongs to another blend shape deformer, you are prompted to select an edge again.