Create custom spot light intensity or color decay

Create custom spot light decay

An intensity curve or an expression can be used to control decay. You can also create a custom brightness decay rate using an intensity curve. You can edit curves in the Expression or Graph editors.

To create a custom brightness decay

  1. In the Light Effects section of the spot light’s Attribute Editor, click the Create button beside the Intensity Curve attribute.

    Maya creates an Intensity Curve node and connects it to the Intensity attribute.

  2. Turn on Light Direction Only in the Attribute Editor that appears.

Create custom spot light color decay

You can create a custom color decay rate using a set of color curves (a red curve, a green curve, and a blue curve).

To create a custom color decay

  1. In the Light Effects section of the spot light’s Attribute Editor, click the Create button beside the Color Curves attribute.
  2. Turn on Light Direction Only in the Attribute Editor that appears.

    Maya creates a RedCurve node, a GreenCurve node, and a BlueCurve node and connects them to the Color attribute.

Edit custom intensity and color decay

You can edit intensity curves or a set of color curves either in the Attribute Editor or in the Graph Editor. Intensity or color curves display as a table of values in the Attribute Editor.

To view the table for an Intensity Curve in the Attribute Editor

  1. Click the box next to the Create button.

To view the attribute table for Color Curves and the Intensity curve (after you create them)

  1. Select the spot light in the view.

    When creating intensity and color curves for a light source, IPR Render the scene or part of the scene to get instant feedback on the changes you make to the light’s intensity and color curves.

To work with Intensity or Color curves in the Graph Editor

  1. To adjust the Intensity or Color Curves interactively, select the spot light and open the Graph Editor (Windows > Animation Editors > Graph Editor). An intensity curve appears as a dark blue line, and color curves display as red, green, and blue lines.
  2. To edit points or entire curves, use the Graph Editor.