Boolean Intersection Classification

The Boolean stack and the Boolean Operation options include an Intersection Classification setting that lets you control the result of your boolean operation when working with open input meshes (planes or meshes with holes).

Boolean operations are performed on intersections. When working with open meshes, Maya can calculate the intersection of the selected meshes in different ways:
The following images illustrate the difference between the Edge and Normal settings. In each example, a plane and a sphere are combined using the different boolean operations.
Note: When you set an Intersection Classification in the Boolean Operation options, it applies universally to all boolean nodes in your scene. The settings in the Boolean stack let you select defaults at the node level, overriding any defaults set in the Boolean Operation options.


Intersection Classification for Union: Edge (1) and Normal (2)

Difference (A - B)

Intersection Classification for Difference (A-B): Edge (1) and Normal (2)

Difference (B - A)

Intersection Classification for Difference (B-A): Edge (1) and Normal (2)


Intersection Classification for Intersection: Edge (1) and Normal (2)


Intersection Classification for Slice: Edge (1) and Normal (2)

Hole Punch

Intersection Classification for Hole Punch: Edge (1) and Normal (2)

Cut Out

Intersection Classification for Cut Out: Edge (1) and Normal (2)

Split Edges

Intersection Classification for Split Edges: Edge (1) and Normal (2)