In the Modeling menu set, select to open these options. For more information on how to use this tool, see Crease polygonal edges and vertices.
The creasing for multiple edges and vertices is the same when the Absolute setting is turned on. That is, if you select more than one edge or vertex to crease and they have pre-existing creases, all of the selected components will have similar crease values when you are done. This is the default setting. The crease values can range between 0 and 7. A value of 7 indicates that the component is fully creased.
The creasing for multiple edges and vertices is maintained relative to each other when the Relative setting is turned on. Use this setting when you want to maintain pre-existing creases on your mesh and you need to increase or decrease the amount of creasing overall.
When the Extend to creased components setting is turned on, the selection of creased edges is automatically extended to any creases that connect to the selection. This saves you the effort of having to select all of the creases separately. This option has no effect when creasing vertices.