Modeling Toolkit commands and tools

The following commands and tools in the Modeling Toolkit window let you create and edit polygons.


The following commands are also available in the Mesh menu.

Combines the selected meshes into a single polygon mesh. Many polygon editing operations can only be performed between two separate mesh shells once they have been combined into the same mesh.

See Combine polygon meshes.


Separates disconnected shells in a mesh into separate meshes. You can separate all of the shells at once, or you can specify the shells you want separated by first selecting some faces on the shells you want separated.

See Separate polygon shells into separate meshes.


Smooths the selected polygon mesh by adding divisions to the polygons on the mesh.

See Smooth a mesh by adding new polygons.

Performs a Difference (A-B) operation, subtracting the first selected object (A) from the second selected object (B).
Tip: Right-click to select from a list of other boolean operations.

See Booleans.


The following commands are also available in the Edit Mesh menu.


Lets you pull new polygons out from existing faces, edges, or vertices.

See Extrude command and Extrude a polygon face, edge, or vertex.


Lets you chamfer vertices or round the edges of a polygon mesh. A Bevel expands each selected vertex and edge into a new face.

See Bevel command and Bevel polygon edges.


Lets you create a bridge (additional faces) between two groups of faces or edges on an existing polygon mesh.

See Bridge command and Bridge between border edges.

Add Divisions

Splits selected polygon components (edges or faces) into smaller components. Add Divisions is useful when you need to add detail to an existing polygon mesh in either a global or localized manner. Polygon faces can be divided into three-sided (triangles) or four-sided (quadrangles) faces. Edges can be subdivided so that the number of sides on a face is increased.

See Divide polygon edges.


The following tools are also available in the Mesh Tools menu.


Lets you cut, slice, and insert edge loops. You can extract or delete edges along a cut, insert edge loops and cuts with edge flow and subdivisions, and edit in Smooth Mesh Preview mode.

See Multi-Cut Tool, Split polygons with the Multi-Cut Tool and Multi-Cut Tool Options.

Target Weld

Lets you merge vertices or edges to create a shared vertex or edge between them. Components can only be merged if they belong to the same mesh.

See Target Weld Tool, Merge polygon components, and Target Weld Tool Options.


Lets you connect vertices and/or edges via other edges.

See Connect Tool, Connect polygon components and Connect Tool Options.

Quad Draw

Lets you model in a natural and organic using a streamlined, one-tool workflow for retopologizing meshes. The manual retopology process lets you create clean meshes while preserving the shape of your reference surface.

See Quad Draw Tool, Retopologize a mesh with Quad Draw and Quad Draw Tool Options.