Flip a model

You can flip a duplicated model to create symmetrical pairs of objects, or simply flip an object to gain a new perspective as you work.

Flipping the mesh from Z-Up to Y-Up or Y-Up to Z-Up is also useful if your primary modelling application uses a default scene orientation different from Mudbox. For example, if your modelling application uses default Z-Up orientation, you can easily flip the model to Y-Up and have it display upright as you work in Mudbox, then flip it back to Z-Up when ready to export.

To flip a model

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Select Mesh > Flip Mesh, then select the axis you want to flip around (X, Y, Z, local X, local Y, local Z, From Z-Up to Y-Up, or From Y-Up to Z-Up).

      This flips all selected meshes. If no mesh is selected, it flips the currently active mesh.

    • Right-click a model, select Flip Mesh, then select the axis you want to flip around.

    The mesh flips around the selected axis, becoming a mirror image of its previous form.

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