Tonemapper filter properties

See also Using the Tonemapper filter.


Controls the overall brightness of the image that appears in the 3D View. Adjusting the Gamma property can help evaluate how the model/scene appears in another environment, for example, on film or a games console.

Luminance Max

Compresses or expands the tonal range that appears in the 3D View by resetting the value used as a benchmark for white. Use with the Gamma property to adjust the contrast.

Adaption Time

Specifies the rate at which the Tonemapper refreshes the effect in the view. A higher number updates quicker than a lower number.

Adaption Epsilon

A bias setting for determining the priority for remapping the values in the 3D View.

Level Count

Specifies the amount of blur that occurs for the glare effect.

Glare Scale

Specifies the intensity of the glare effect in the 3D View. Negative values can create interesting color effects.

Glare Bias

Controls the spread of the glare effect. Increasing the bias limits the glare to highlight areas.