Transfer Paint Layers options

For task instructions, see Transfer paint layers.


See Method in Common map extraction options. Select Subdivision if the source and target mesh have the same topology. If not, choose Ray Casting.

Image Size

Can specify a fixed size, such as 1024 x 1024, which means that every paint layer that is transferred will use this fixed size. A second option is to select Same as source, which means that each transferred paint layer will have the same resolution as the corresponding source layer. A final option is to select 2x Source, which means that each transferred paint layer will have double the resolution in each dimension as its source counterpart.


Select whether to export All Paint Layers (default), Current Layers Only, or Visible Layers Only.

On Target Model

Specifies which paint layers are transferred and how many. Selecting Replace Existing Layers means that a transferred layer of the same name will replace a previously existing layer. Selecting Add to Existing Layers means that all transferred layers will be added to existing layers, and any name conflicts will be resolved automatically.


When layers are transferred from one object to another, the file names are selected automatically, much the same way as they are when new layers are created. Paint layer names are set to match the source paint layer names.

Related topics

Paint layers overview