Change the opacity of a paint layer

You can edit the opacity of a paint layer to decrease the overall intensity of the paint on the layer. By default, paint layers are displayed with full opacity (100 percent).

If you want to turn the display of a paint layer on or off, see Hide or show a paint layer.

  1. In the Layers window, ensure the display button at the top is set to Paint.
  2. Select a paint layer, then double-click the layer’s Strength value and enter a new value or drag the opacity slider keeping in mind the following:
    • Increase the Strength setting to increase the opacity of the image on the selected layer.
    • Reduce the Strength setting to reduce the opacity of the image on the selected layer.
    Note: By default the Strength setting ranges between 0 and 100. You can enter positive or negative values outside this range to further amplify or invert the paint on the layer.

Related topics

Paint to apply transparency

Paint layers overview