Compatibility across products using FBX

This topic describes the compatibility of various components that Mudbox supports through the FBX format. Unless otherwise noted, these components are completely compatible between Maya, Mudbox, and 3ds Max, or the data is converted or interpolated so that the results are functionally equivalent from product to product.

Polygonal meshes

In general, importing polygonal meshes using FBX are completely compatible in Mudbox, Maya, Flame, and 3ds Max.

On import On export
  • Grouping hierarchies - Model hierarchies that exist in a Maya or 3ds Max file are collapsed when the mesh is imported to Mudbox using FBX. Top level transformations and pivot points on the mesh are retained.
  • Mesh smoothing - Any edge smoothing (Maya) or smoothing group (3ds Max) information is not retained when the FBX file is imported to Mudbox.
  • Only the current subdivision level is exported when exporting a mesh from Mudbox using FBX. Any sculpt layers not locked to that subdivision level are baked into the resulting mesh on export. The current subdivision level becomes the base level for the exported mesh.
  • If you want to preserve the separate sculpt layers, turn on the Export Sculpt Layers as Blendshapes preference in the FBX preferences (Maya.)

Blend Shapes (Maya) or Morph Targets (3ds Max)



Image planes

Note: Image planes are not supported and are ignored in 3ds Max.


Material textures

Paint layers

Quick Select sets or Selection Sets

Sculpt layers

Shading material

UV texture coordinates

Related topics

Import using FBX

Use the same system units in 3ds Max and Mudbox