Prepare a model for sculpting

Feature Criteria

Size and shape of polygon faces

The polygonal faces on the model should be of equal size and shape so they create smaller regions that are of equal size and shape and hold detail well when subdivided. When some faces are longer or wider, the sculpted detail can also be uneven or distorted by comparison.

Edge loop/ring flow

The initial distribution and layout of edge loops and edge rings on the model has an impact on sculpting. A good practice is to create a model specifically for sculpting rather than sculpt on the model that was specifically constructed for animation. While a model can be constructed in a way to anticipate its use for rigging or animation or particular visual features, this can limit options for sculpting features or making design changes downstream.


Ideally, a model that you want to sculpt should be modeled without specific detail. That is, it is usually easier to define specific low and high resolution features if they haven’t already been defined within the model.

Location of model in X, Y, Z

If you want to perform symmetrical sculpting operations on the model, ensure the model is positioned at the center of the 3D View in X, Y, Z (0, 0, 0) before you begin sculpting.