Create Mesh From Curves window

To open the Create Mesh From Curves options, select Mesh > Create Mesh From Curves. See also Create a mesh from curves.

Settings in this window determine how Mudbox interprets the curves you draw on a source mesh in order to construct the new mesh. When you click Create Mesh, Mudbox evaluates the curve network you have drawn and attempts to create polygons from the curve intersections.

Problems in the output mesh can occur if you draw curves that intersect unintentionally, or if the surface features of the mesh prevent Mudbox from correctly detecting the intersections. Adjusting these settings can help to generate a clean mesh from your curve network.

Maximum Edges in a Face

Specifies the maximum number of edges Mudbox traverses to find a polygon.

Initially, it's a good idea to keep this value low (3 or 4), which makes it easier to identify missed intersections in the curve network. (If Mudbox misses intersections in the curve network that you draw, the output mesh can have missing faces.)

Merge vertices closer than

Each curve intersection you draw represents a potential vertex of a face. This value lets you specify the threshold below which Mudbox combines intersections that occur close together into a single vertex.

For example, if this threshold value is set too low and multiple curves intersect (as in the following image), Mudbox creates multiple vertices close together, and one tiny face. Increasing this value ensures that this intersection results in one vertex.

Intersection Tolerance

Determines how close curves need to be in order to create an intersection point, which Mudbox uses to generate vertices. Increase this value if you find that your result mesh has holes or unintentionally large faces in areas where your curves appeared to intersect fully.

Overrun Tolerance
Determines how much Mudbox can extend the end of the curves to force an intersection. (This commonly applies with curve loops and at curve borders.) Increase this value if your output mesh includes many T-shapes and vertex splices.
Ignore Self-intersections

On by default to prevent curve points from the same curve creating unintentional vertices. Turn this option off if you want a single curve that intersects itself to create geometry.

For example, with Ignore Self-intersections on, the following curve doesn't create geometry. If Ignore Self-intersections is off, it creates a square.

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