Workflow Editor UI

Take a walk through the layout and navigation of the Fusion Manage Workflow Editor.

Open the Workflow Editor for a workspace:

  1. On the Administration menu, click Workspace Manager.
  2. In the Workspace Manager, expand the workspace's planel.
  3. Click Workflow Editor.

The Editor

Workflow editor

  1. Title Bar The workflow's workspace.

  2. Tool Bar Tools to create and manage the workflow map.

  3. Workflow Mapping Grid

    3a. Workflow Transition

    3b. Workflow State

    3c. Locked State Icon

    3d. Managed State Icon

    3e. Note

  4. Status Bar

    4a. View Controls. Adjust the display of the workflow map

    4b. Show IDs. Toggle on/off to show/hide state and transition IDs in the Properties fly-outs. Reverts to off when you close the editor.

    4c. Save Status Icon. Shows the map's save status and alerts you when there are unsaved changes

    4d. Workflow Validation Status Icon. Shows the map's workflow validation status and alerts you when there are errors (click to view error details and jump to the location of the error in the map)

The Tool Bar

Workflow editor's toolbar

  1. Save map, Revert to saved; View map as it appears in the workspace.

  2. Select map element; Pan map; Add state; Add note

  3. Undo/Redo last action

  4. Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete selected element

    Note: You can copy and paste transitions, states, and notes into other workflow maps.
  5. Open Workflow Summary

  6. Open Permissions Summary

Workflow Summary

Click Workflow Summary on the Tool Bar to see a matrix of the workflow map listing all transitions in the workflow with their associated From and To states, and assigned workflow permissions.

Workflow summary

To display transition and state IDs in the panel, toggle on Show IDs.

Permissions Summary

Click Permissions Summary on the Tool Bar to see all permissions added to the workflow map and whether they are assigned to a transition or not (Used: True/False). You can add new permissions through the summary and later assign these permissions to transitions in the mapping grid.

Permissions summary

State Properties

Double-click a workflow state to view or set its properties in the State Properties flyout.

Workflow State properties

The State Properties flyout is where you can make a workflow state a Lock State or a Managed State, or both. An item is locked when it reaches a Lock State in the workflow and can no longer be edited unless the workflow loops back to an earlier state. For revision-controlled items, a Managed State is the state in the workflow at which point the item is revisioned. This option is useful if you want to revision an item before it has gone through the entire workflow.

About State IDs

State IDs are important if you want to use server-side scripting to control workflows. Each state in a workflow map has a System ID and a Custom ID. System IDs are numerical and read-only; Custom IDs are automatically added to the flyout when the state's Name is entered.

Important: In scripts, use the Custom ID to refer to a state. Although you can edit Custom IDs, each state's Custom ID must be unique in the workflow.

To display the state's IDs in the flyout:

Transition Properties

Double-click a workflow transition to view or set its properties in the Transition Properties flyout.

Edit transition properties

Transitions have the following properties:

About Transition IDs

Transition IDs are important if you want to use server-side scripting to control workflows. Each transition in a workflow map has a System ID and a Custom ID. System IDs are numerical and read-only; Custom IDs are automatically added to the flyout when the transition's Name is entered.

Important: In scripts, use the Custom ID to refer to a transition. Although you can edit Custom IDs, each transition's Custom ID must be unique in the workflow.

To display the transition's IDs in the flyout:

A Note on Legacy Scripts

The Precondition and Validation drop-down lists in the Transition Properties flyout do not display names of legacy scripts. If a transition has a legacy script connected, the script drop-down list is empty and a scroll icon appears to the right of it. To view the script's name, mouse over the icon.

Legacy transition properties

Note Properties

To view a note's properties, double-click the note on the mapping grid.

Note Properties

To edit the note, edit the Text.

To hide the note in the workflow map, select the Hide in online map check box. Hidden notes are visible only in the Workflow Editor.

To close the flyout, click anywhere on the mapping grid.