Manage Roles

Add roles to your Fusion Manage site and create collections of permissions you can assign to user groups by associating the appropriate workspace and workflow permissions with a role.

View Roles

  1. On the Administration menu, click Users Groups Roles.
  2. On the Users Groups Roles page, click the Roles tab.

Users Groups Roles

To view a role's details, groups, and permissions:

View Roles details

Add a Role

  1. On the Users Groups Roles page header, click the New Role icon. Add a new role

  2. Enter a Name for the role. For example, to create a role for viewing and editing items in a Customers workspace, enter Customers [R/W]. A Description is optional.

  3. In the Workspace drop-down list, select the name of the workspace the role applies to (for example, Customers).

  4. Click Create Role and Add Permissions and go to step 2 in the next section.

Add Permissions to a Role

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Permissions link.

  2. On the Managing Permissions for Role page, select permissions in the list box on the left and add them to the list box on the right. Add permissions to a role

  3. Click Save. To save and add groups to the role, click Save and Manage Groups and go to step 2 in the next section.

To add more than one permission at a time:

To remove a permission from the role:

To view a description of a permission:

To filter the permission lists:

Add Groups to a Role

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Groups link.

  2. On the Managing Groups for Role page, select groups in the list box on the left and add them to the list box on the right. Add groups to a role

  3. Click Save.

Edit Roles

To edit a role's details:

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Edit link.
  2. In the Role Details pane, change information as needed and click Save.

To change a role's permissions:

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Permissions link.
  2. On the Managing Permissions for Role page, add or change permissions as shown in the Manage Roles section.

To change a role's groups:

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Groups link.
  2. On the Managing Groups for Role page, add or change groups as shown in the Manage Roles section.

Delete Roles

To delete a role:

  1. In the Roles table, click the role's Delete link.
  2. Click OK to confirm.