Goal of this article: Learn how to use ShotGrid to improve your existing design review process.
Todays review processes happens in many places and in many forms. Reviews happen desk side with managers inside of applications. Design images are painfully gatherd into Powerpoint files and shared in large review rooms and models or image sequences are required to preview in state of the art powerwall theaters.
The challenge is many teams have to search and find all of this creative work, make sure its the right version, and then find the time with key stakeholders to review. Once the reviews are done, where do all the decisions, ideas and notes get captured? And how do you know which design all of this info belongs to.
What if we said ShotGrid can replace many of the manual steps of capturing reviews today?
Using ShotGrid for review can...
ShotGrid can replace Powerpoint as your studios' main review tool and help you iterate on design faster then ever before. Here are 3 simple ways you can do design reviews in ShotGrid.
Daily Reviews - Using Integration and Review in ShotGrid
Use ShotGrid inside of 3D apps to take notes directly. Daily reviews you can capture screenshots and notes into ShotGrid right from a desktop app like Photoshop, Alias or VRED
Formal Reviews - Creating a Playlist
Create Playlists of all the work you want to review. Easily review all design work from this playlist where Versions are connected directly back to the files they came from.
Executive Reviews - Creating a Playlist and sharing via the "Client Review Site"
Use the Client Review Site (used for approvers outside of ShotGrid ) to streamline sharing of design work directly from a Playlist. Capture feedback from this portal in a managed way, allowing team leads to see executive feedback and if need be, clarify any review feedback before sharing with their teams.