Setup checklist for Enterprise Docker


Local installations of Flow Production Tracking are no longer offered. This documentation is intended only for those with existing instances of Flow Production Tracking Enterprise Docker. Click here for a list of our current offerings.


Client specific information

Before proceeding with the Flow Production Tracking installation, you need to gather some information about your future Flow Production Tracking Instance. The following checklist will help you gather all the information you need to successfully configure your Flow Production Tracking Instance.

Server information

Chosen topology - How the different components will be hosted. See Phase 1.

Servers specifications - Please provide us with your server specifications (CPU, memory, etc.).

Servers IPs - Please provide us with the IP of all your Flow Production Tracking servers.

Flow Production Tracking URL - Your preferred URL that you will use to access the site (for example, flow production tracking.<studio_name>.com). Typically, we prefer that this be a fully-qualified domain name, unique to your organization. You will need to modify your internal DNS to point this URL at your Flow Production Tracking server in order to allow your internal users to access it.

Mail and SMTP

Outgoing mail domain(EHLO/HELO) - This must be a valid domain name that your server will respond to for EHLO/HELO.

User name - This must be a valid username that is allowed to relay mail through your SMTP server.

Password - The password for the user name above.

Email address - The email address (if different from the user name above).

Outgoing mail server address - The address of your SMTP server.

Port - The SMTP port that your SMTP server listens on (typically port 25, but some studios change this).

Authentication - Plain, Login, or Cram-MD5.

Enable TLS - [Yes/No] Whether to enable send mail through a secure connection.

SSL certs - Path to valid SSL certs if 'Enable TLS' is 'yes'.


Path to media mount - The path where the media storage will be mounted.


Path to data mount - Whether the database should be stored at a specific location or use PostgreSQL’s default.

Mount is NFS - If using an external drive, it must be mounted physically on the DB server. WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE the usage of NFS drives to host a database.


LDAP integration - Whether you want to integrate Flow Production Tracking with your company’s.

LDAP - More information can be found on Configure LDAP.


Hosted to local migration - Please inform us if you are moving to a local installation from our Flow Production Tracking Hosted Service. A migration will require coordination with the Flow Production Tracking Operation Team.

Setup validation checklist

Before proceeding with the installation, please review your setup to reduce the number of back and forth communication that will be needed between our respective Operation teams. Please send us the checklist in your setup support ticket. This will help us troubleshoot upcoming issues, if any.

Server setup validation

SCP and SFTP - Must be enabled on all servers for the Flow Production Tracking user. All servers must be able to SSH to each other.

Firewall and network validation

HTTP traffic - Enabled on port 80 for all servers except the database server.

HTTPS traffic - If you plan to enable HTTPS on your Flow Production Tracking site, enable HTTPS traffic on port 443.

SSH connections - SSH connections must be allowed on each server. It must be possible to SSH from any Flow Production Tracking servers to the other servers.

PostgreSQL - The port on which PostgreSQL will listen to must be set up to allow TCP traffic. The default port is 5432.


OpenVPN client - OpenVPN client has been properly installed and is connected to our OpenVPN server. SSH and SCP to any servers in your Flow Production Tracking Cluster from that client is required.

TCP forwarding - Enable on the OpenVPN client if you have a multi-server cluster.

Media storage validation

Media storage mount - The same media server must be mounted, preferably at the same path, on each server, except the database server.

Media storage configuration - Make sure that the media mount is properly configured, allowing Flow Production Tracking and its component to read, execute, and write content. See Media storage configuration for more details.

Permissions - Permissions on folders dedicated to Flow Production Tracking media must allow Flow Production Tracking to read, write, and execute files properly. See Media Storage Configuration for Flow Production Tracking Enterprise Docker for more details.

Client specific information form

Feel free to ask any question regarding this form in your Flow Production Tracking support ticket.

Server Info Chosen Topology
Servers Specifications
Flow Production Tracking URL <flow production>
Servers IPs <optional>
SMTP Outgoing mail domain <>
SMTP user name <>
SMTP password
Email address <optional, default to user name>
SMTP server port <Default SMTP port is 25>
Authentication <Plain, login or Cram-MD5>
Enable TLS Yes / No
SSL Certs ** Path to valid SSL certs if 'Enable TLS' is 'yes'
Media Path to media mount
Database Path to data mount
Mount is NFS Yes / No (Yes is the wrong answer here)
LDAP LDAP integration Yes / No
Misc Hosted to local migration Yes / No

Setup validation checklist

Setup SCP and SFTP is enabled on all servers for Flow Production Tracking user Yes / No
Firewall Allow HTTP traffic on port 80 Yes / No
Allow HTTPS traffic on port 443 <optional>
Allow SSH connections on port 22 Yes / No
Allow TCP traffic on port 5432 for database server Yes / No
OpenVPN OpenVPN client has been set-up on a host that have access to all Flow Production Tracking servers. Yes / No
TCP Forwarding is enabled on the OpenVPN client

(only for multi-server clusters)
Yes / No
Media Media storage mounted on all servers Yes / No
Media is properly configured. See Media Configuration Guide for details Yes / No