Tracking bids and logging time

If you would like to add a bid and time log to a Task, follow these steps:


Flow Production Tracking bids are tracked on Tasks, not Shots. Typically the “bid” will match the “Duration” at the beginning of a Project, but because the “Duration” may change as the schedule changes, these fields are separate.

  1. Go to the Tasks landing page in the Project.
  2. Load the “Bid” field on the page by clicking the "+ column" button and choosing “Bid”. Do the same for “Time Logged.”
  3. Log time on a Task. Click the "+" button in the “Time Logged” field. Fill in the required fields and choose create. “Time Logged” will summarize the total time logged on each Task.

Schedule page


You can add a default “Bid” and “Duration” to the Tasks in your Task Templates so that all of your Tasks already have this information when you create your Tasks.

Artists can also create new Time Logs from the My Tasks page, if you want artists to log their own time. Select "New Time Log" from the Action Menu on the right side of the Task Detail view on My Tasks.

My Tasks

You can also import an existing bid sheet to create Shots and Tasks at the same time.

Viewing a page of Tasks and comparing their Bid with Time Logged

When you have some bids and time logs on your Tasks, you can compare their values. On the Tasks landing page, load the “Time Logged - % of Bid” and “Time Logged - Over/Under Bid” fields on the page.

Tracking Bids and Time Logged

  1. Time Logged - Over/Under Bid will calculate the difference between the “Bid” and “Time Logged” fields. The field will show a negative number if you’re over bid, and a positive number if you’re under bid.
  2. Time Logged - % of Bid will calculate the percentage of “Bid” divided by “Time Logged. The field will show a number > 100% if you’re over bid, and a number < 100% if you’re under bid.

To summarize fields for all Tasks on the page, right click the column’s header and choose “Show Page (Column) Summaries.”